Rotates a two-dimensional NDF about its centre through any angle


This routine rotates an array stored in an NDF  data structure by an arbitrary angle. The rotation angle can be chosen automatically to make north vertical in the output NDF (see Parameter ANGLE). The origin of the rotation is around the point (0, 0) in pixel co-ordinates. The output array dimensions just accommodate the rotated array. Output pixels can be generated from the input array by one of two methods: nearest-neighbour substitution or by bi-linear interpolation. The latter is slower, but gives better results. Output pixels not corresponding to input pixels take the bad value.

The NDF may have two or three dimensions. If it has three dimensions, then the rotation is applied in turn to each plane in the cube and the result written to the corresponding plane in the output cube. The orientation of the rotation plane can be specified using the AXES parameter.


rotate in out angle

Results Parameters

ANGLEUSED( ) = _REAL (Write)
An output parameter holding the rotation angle actually used, in degrees. This is useful if a null value is supplied for parameter ANGLE.


ANGLE = _REAL (Read)
Number of clockwise degrees by which the data array is to be rotated. It must lie between -360 and 360 degrees. The suggested default is the current value. If a null (!) value is supplied, then the rotation angle is chosen to make north vertical at the centre of the image. If the current co-ordinate Frame  in the input NDF is not a celestial co-ordinate frame, then the rotation angle is chosen to make the second axis of the current Frame  vertical.
AXES(2) = _INTEGER (Read)
This parameter is only accessed if the NDF has exactly three significant pixel axes. It should be set to the indices of the NDF pixel axes which span the plane in which rotation is to be applied. All pixel planes parallel to the specified plane will be rotated independently of each other. The dynamic default comprises the indices of the first two significant axes in the NDF. Note that excluding the first significant axis may be very inefficient for large cubes; a prior reconfiguration with application PERMAXES that is compatible with the dynamic default for AXES, will often prove beneficial. []
IN = NDF (Read)
NDF structure containing the two- or three-dimensional array to be rotated.
If TRUE, the nearest-neighbour method will be used to evaluate the output data-array pixels. This is only accessed when the rotation is not a multiple of 90 degrees. [FALSE]
OUT = NDF (Write)
Output NDF to contain the rotated arrays.
This parameter is only accessed when NNMETH is FALSE and ANGLE is not a multiple of 90 degrees. Strictly, the quality values are undefined by the bi-linear interpolation and hence cannot be propagated. However, QUALITY=TRUE offers an approximation to the quality array by propagating the nearest-neighbour quality to the output NDF. [FALSE]
A title for the output NDF. A null value will cause the title of the NDF supplied for Parameter IN to be used instead. [!]
USEAXIS is only accessed if the current co-ordinate Frame  of the NDF has more than two axes. A group of two strings should be supplied specifying the two axes which are to be used when determining the rotation angle needed to make north vertical. Each axis can be specified using one of the following options.
  • Its integer index within the current Frame of the input NDF (in the range 1 to the number of axes in the current Frame).

  • Its Symbol  string such as "RA" or "VRAD".

  • A generic option where "SPEC" requests the spectral axis, "TIME" selects the time axis, "SKYLON" and "SKYLAT" picks the sky longitude and latitude axes respectively. Only those axis domains present are available as options.

A list of acceptable values is displayed if an illegal value is supplied. If a null (!) value is supplied, the axes with the same indices as the two used pixel axes within the NDF are used. [!]

A TRUE value causes variance values to be used as weights for the pixel values in bi-linear interpolation, and also causes output variances to be created. This parameter is ignored if ANGLE is a multiple of 90 degrees or NNMETH=TRUE; in these cases the variance array is merely propagated. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is TRUE if the input NDF has a VARIANCE component, and FALSE otherwise. Note that following this operation the errors are no longer independent. [!]


rotate ns ew 90
This rotates the array components in the NDF called ns by 90 degrees clockwise around pixel co-ordinates [0, 0] and stores the result in the NDF called ew. The former x axis becomes the new y axis, and the former y axis becomes the new x axis. The former y-axis arrays are also reversed in the process.
rotate m31 m31r angle=!
This rotates the NDF called m31 so that north is vertical and stores the results in an NDF called m31r. This assumes that the current WCS Frame  in the input NDF is a celestial co-ordinate Frame.
rotate angle=180 out=sn in=ns
This rotates the array components in the NDF called ns by 180 degrees clockwise around the pixel co-ordinates [0, 0], and stores the result in the NDF called sn. The axis arrays are flipped in the output NDF.
rotate f1 f1r 37.2 novariance
This rotates the array components in the NDF called f1 by 37.2 degrees clockwise around the pixel co-ordinates [0, 0], and stores the result in the NDF called f1r. The original axis information is lost. Bi-linear interpolation is used without variance information. No quality or variance information is propagated.
rotate f1 f1r 106 nnmeth title="Reoriented features map"
This rotates the array components in the NDF called f1 by 106 degrees clockwise around the pixel co-ordinates [0, 0], and stores the result in the NDF called f1r. The original axis information is lost. The resultant array components, all of which are propagated, are calculated by the nearest-neighbour method. The title of the output NDF is "Reoriented features map".
rotate velmap rotvelmap 70
This rotates the array components in the three-dimensional NDF called velmap by 70 degrees clockwise around the pixel co-ordinates [0,0], and stores the result in the NDF called rotvelmap. The rotation is applied to the first two pixel axes repeated for all the planes in the cube’s third pixel axis.
rotate velmap rotvelmap 70 axes=[1,3]
This as the previous example except that the rotation is applied in the plane given by the first and third pixel axes.


Related Applications


Implementation Status:

The propagation rules depend on Parameters ANGLE and NNMETH.